Apple’s next iPad Mini may just fix this with a Retina Display-level screen from Samsung, the Wall Street Journal reports.

It’s not exactly a surprising rumor — the iPad Mini’s low 1024-by-768 resolution display is obviously its biggest flaw — but we’ve also heard conflicting reports over how Apple would approach the next iPad Mini. Some rumors pointed to a Retina Display, while others said Apple is simply upgrading the Mini’s processor without a higher-resolution screen.

But with last week’s debut of the Nexus 7, Google’s latest flagship tiny tablet, Apple may not have much of a choice anymore. The 7-inch Nexus 7 sports a 1080p resolution screen, an incredibly sharp resolution for a screen of that size. If Apple wants to keep selling the iPad Mini at a premium (it currently retails for $329, while the new Nexus 7 sells for $230), it needs to match it more affordable competitors.

There’s also a chance that Apple could release both Retina and non-Retina iPad Minis, but that seems unnecessarily complex. (Though it could lead to an iPad Mini closer to the Nexus 7′s price.)


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